Music Theory is universal to all instruments including vocals allowing you to chose which aspect of music and your instrument you wish to increase your knowledge, ability to play and improvise. If you want to learn to Read or Write music then this is your starting point!

If you are starting out then go through the Lessons in the order they are listed since each section builds upon knowledge from previous topics.

The following List of Topics includes a brief description of the Lessons:
1) MUSIC NOTATION -  Musical notation is the written form of Music and describes the pitch, timing and duration of sounds, we call musical notes. Notes are located on a grid called a Staff with a Clef. Leger lines are used to extend the range of a staff either above or below the staff.
2) NOTE VALUES -   Different types of notes are used to tell musicians not only which letter name note to play but how long to hold each note. Phrasing shows how to play the notes.
3) RESTS -     Much like notes, different types of rests are used to show how long each pause of silence should last.
4) ACCIDENTALS - Sharps, Flats, Natural Signs, Double Sharps and Double Flats are all accidentals used to alter the pitch of a note.
5) TIME SIGNATURES -  Music is divided into beats and pulses all of which are shown by the time signature. We will also look at different types of time signatures and show you when to use them for various styles of music.
6) KEY SIGNATURES -   The Key Signature simplifies music notation and tells the musicians the key of the song and which notes have accidentals. We will look at the Major and Minor Key Signatures as well as the Ecclesiastical Modes.
7) SCALE DEGREES - The notes of a Major Scale are the basis for everything in music from arranging, composing, orchestration, jamming or lifting parts by ear. They also provide for a common musical language used daily by musicians when playing together.
8) INTERVALS - Intervals are used to measure the distance in pitch between 2 notes. They are the basis of harmony such as a Perfect 5th, Major 2nds or 3rds and more.
9) TRIADS - The smallest chord in music is a 3 note Triad such as the Major, Minor, Diminshed, Augmented and Suspended Fourth chords. They are some of the most common chords used
10) CHORD SCALES - This is the basis for playing Chord Progressions. It allows you to know what type of chord to play on any note in any Key, handy for jamming as well as writing music.
11) CADENCES - Cadences are used to mark the end of every phrase of classical music and other styles. Types include Perfect, Plagal and Imperfect cadences.
12) VOCAL SCORES - A brief introduction into the types of music written for vocals or choir such as Short score, Open score (uses all 4 clefs) and Modern Vocal score.
13) STRING QUARTETS - A very quick overview of how to score music for a String Quartet complete with a score sample.
14) ORCHESTRA SCORES - A look into what instruments are commonly used in orchestras and how they are scored. We will also show you the range of each instrument by comparison.

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